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Written by Scott Kuykendall — March 05, 2014

Welcome to our new Mosquito Squad of Fairfield County blog

Have you heard the buzz about Mosquito Squad? Finally there is a service that will eliminate mosquitoes and ticks from your home throughout the entire summer season. Mosquito Squad provides a unique Barrier Spray control system. Our applicators treat the perimiter of your yard or commercial venue. This treatment will eliminate adult mosquitoes and ticks. The timed-release formula will continue to protect your yard for the next couple weeks. Season-long customers will have resprays throughout the entire season. There's no need to call us or even think about your re-spray. We make protecting your yard worry free.

If you're ready to enjoy summer in your yard without having to worry about mosquitoes, ticks, Lyme Disease, West Nile virus and other mosquito-borne and tick-borne diseases, call Mosquito Squad right away at 203/ 832 - 9500 or email us at

Written by Robin Steele — February 26, 2014

Mosquito Squad Deals and Special Offers!

Sign up here for our exclusive members-only discounts and deals. We promise that your infomation will never be shared!